Calling all boys from ages 11 to 17…Want adventure and achievement?  Join Boy Scout Troop 740.  We meet in the Four Seasons Room every Tuesday from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.

In 1955, Father Bailey, the Pastor of Holy Redeemer Church, College Park, Maryland, chartered Boy Scout Troop 740. Fr. Bailey had been a scout as a youth and knew the value of the scouting program to boys and to the parish. Fr. Bailey put a notice in the bulletin that he was forming a troop and scheduled an organizational meeting. He was pleased when he saw all the cars pulling up but was surprised when he found himself with twenty boys and no adults! In the following week’s bulletin, Fr. Bailey wrote that he was not planning to run the troop and told the parents to show up at the next meeting. Mark Kiernan and Bill Krashoc were among the first volunteers. Mr. Kiernan was the first Scoutmaster and Mr. Krashoc has been with the troop throughout its sixty-plus year history.

Troop 740 has provided a program to foster the spiritual and personal growth of the young men of the parish, the school and the community. The Troop participates in scouting activities sponsored by the Archdiocese, monthly troop campouts, District Camporees, week-long summer camps, National Jamborees and service projects for the parish and the community. The young men are encouraged to explore and acquire the many and varied merit badges, and Catholic religious medals. The troop continues to support established parish programs as well as projects for the greater community with the continual goal of assisting boys in becoming men of honor.

(Mr. Loren LaVoy, Troop Leader)